2023 Resolutions

For the sake of accountability, I highly suggest sharing your resolutions. The goal is to motivate one another and to make it past January 12th. (This is the date that most people call it quits on their resolutions.)

1. Find Joy

This lesson came with cleaning out my basement this past year. I had a mess of items that I thought were worth saving, loved one’s belongings that I felt guilty to get rid of, leftover supplies that once had great value… Holding on to these items was stressing me out!

In the end, I used the KonMari method and for each thing asked myself, “Does this item bring me joy?”

Donating, giving away, and purging these items felt so good. It made me examine everything around me (beyond the basement) and question it’s value.

If it’s not bringing me joy, it gots to go!

I have purged this past year, now I am ready to introduce things that bring joy. Bring on the happy!

2. Keep it Social

I am practicing what I preach here!

I can’t very well tell YOU to step up your small business social media without doing the same myself.

Like most, I get busy doing what pays the bills and put sharing and marketing my business aside. (Ironically, part of what pays me is sharing and marketing your business on social media.)

If I continue to neglect my own social media the jobs will run out and the world will forget that my business exists.

Worse is, I know the rules of social media marketing. I just need to DO IT!

3. More Action, Less Thinking

I have a crazy overactive mind. I am tired of drawing and writing out dozens of great ideas only to let them die on paper. So, much like the Nike “just do it” rule in resolution #2, I am going to put some of those ideas into action. That way, I don’t kick myself later!


Good Lord, I think I say this every year! I am going to avoid the very needed and obvious resolution to “exercise”. As a resolution for my health I am sticking with good ol’ hy-dration!!

This one is a no-brainer. The benefits of proper hydration range from better mood to better digestion. Who couldn’t use more of it? I am shooting for the stars here and in the end if I end up drinking slightly more, I can call it a win.

I also suggest that you choose a word for the year to come. One word to sum it all up!

This year, my word will be “LEARN” — as in, I am “of a certain age”. It is time that I learn from all lessons that life has given me up to this point. No more relearning. No doing the same and expecting different results. Every time that I see myself slipping, I will remind myself to LEARN.

Happy New Year!

May you make plans to have the best year yet and carry them out well past January 12th!